Help some good news come true...
Tarrytown is discussing opening Main St to people dining. What's on the table (ha!) is doing a "streateries" test run this Friday and Saturday evenings, on Main St between Broadway and Washington St. Restaurants can set up tables in the street. The Village will see how it goes and figure out what refinements are needed.
The Trustees are talking about the concepts tonight at 6:00 pm (Wed, June 10). (Or maybe it's 6:15, there's conflicting info out there.)
This discussion is the 8th item on the agenda. Details start on PDF page 27:
Some tweaks that come to mind are:
* Between Broadway and Washington St, establish a fire lane / walking lane down the middle of Main St, then use the rest of the space for restaurant and public seating
* Between Washington St and the Twisted Oak restaurant, open most of the north side of Main St to seating and keep the south side for motor vehicle use. This balances the various needs on the block: + the 5 food establishments on the north side & 1 on the south side + La Perla Poblanita & Main St Pizza, which rely heavily on delivery & pickup + Goldberg's Hardware + the Fire Department A bunch of parking on the south side should be 15 minute maximum to ensure spaces are available for delivery/pick up transactions.
* Change the direction of either John St or Kaldenberg Pl, then maintain a connection for them crossing Main St
Please let the Trustees know you support street seating by either:
* emailing them ahead of time:
* joining the Zoom meeting:
If you live somewhere else, talk to your public officials about doing this where you are.
Learn more about "streaties": | | B: | F: @BikeTarrytn