6/5/24: Successes, Actions, Events

Let's open with several successes, then check out the urgent action items and upcoming events...

Several Successes

Strong Detour Resolution Adopted

Together, we got Tarrytown's Board of Trustees to pass a strongly worded resolution about the Broadway bridge sidewalk detour at their 6/3 meeting. The text told the Thruway Authority that their work zone configuration created dangerous conditions and requests the agency implement safe, direct access for sidewalk users.

Photo of a newly landscaped large traffic island, with a bus stop bench and walkways to it.

Statue Island Made Nice

After years of deliberation and delays, Sleepy Hollow's Statue Island (the spit of land between Broadway and Old Broadway) now has nice walkways and landscaping. Bike Tarrytown's lobbying got a nice bench and paving stones installed at the bus stop, as well as getting the incorrectly placed 40 mph speed limit sign removed.

We're going to continue pushing to get the northern crosswalk ramps lined up properly for visually impaired people. A new issue needs fixing too: the walkway up to the statue is steep, but it's gravel, which will wash away in storms.

Good Complete Streets Policy Adopted

Sleepy Hollow's Trustees passed a solid Complete Streets policy at their 5/28/24 meeting. It requires the Village to proactively make street safety improvements each year. Many thanks to the lengthy efforts of the Sleepy Hollow Environmental Advisory Committee (now called Sustainable Sleepy Hollow).

Some Speed Limits Lowered

The State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) granted some of Sleepy Hollow's speed limit requests. On Broadway (Route 9), the limit will be lowered to 25 mph between Route 448 (Bedford Rd) and the Tarrytown border. (So now it's 25 mph from 448 to Church St in Tarrytown.) A school speed zone of 20 mph was approved on Route 448 between Pine St and 500' east of Webber Ave.

The DOT said the 30 mph limit should remain in place on Route 9 north of Route 448 to Devries Ave. The DOT also rejected the joint Tarrytown / Sleepy Hollow request for a school speed zone on Route 9 by the High School / Middle School / John Paulding campus. Assembly Member MaryJane Shimsky will bring up legislation next year to implement the Route 9 school speed zone.

The speed limit endeavors are the result of advocacy by Livable Tarrytowns. https://livabletarrytowns.org/

Photo of several bikes parked in a bike rack in front of a brick wall.

New Rack at Middle School

Thank you to Supt. Ray Sanchez for heeding our request for a second bike parking rack at the Middle School. So many kids are biking to Middle School that the first rack was consistently over capacity. Now even more kids are riding to school.

Action Items

Y'all say the greatest things when you write public officials. Bcc us (info@biketarrytown.org) on your emails so we can appreciate your experience.

Save Congestion Pricing

Governor Hochul is thinking of moving back the June 30 start date for congestion pricing in Manhattan. The apparent reasoning is fear of political retribution in elections this fall and not wanting to harm business activity.

The Governor is misreading political landscape. The vast majority of travelers use transit to get to the pricing zone. Caving to the tiny fraction of people who cause the congestion/crashes/pollution plaguing the region will backfire. It would both embolden Republicans, and undermine mobility/economy/environment. Strong leadership for better transportation will win voters over, as it has everywhere congestion pricing has been implemented.

Contact the Governor and our local legislators:


MaryJane Shimsky <shimskym@nyassembly.gov>
Alyssa Jacobs <jacobsas@nyassembly.gov>

"Andrea Stewart-Cousins" <scousins@nysenate.gov>
Martin Ascher <ascher@nysenate.gov>

Tell the Thruway to Do Better

After Tarrytown voted to pass the strong resolution (above), Mayor Brown said the Village needs the public's help pushing the State. So, let's chip in. Email the Thruway Authority's Executive Director and Board Chair to say they are required to provide a safe, direct detour in Tarrytown for people using Broadway's western sidewalk.

Frank Hoare <frank.hoare@thruway.ny.gov>
Joanne Mahoney <joanne.mahoney@thruway.ny.gov>


Get Going for Less Stopping

New York's legislators are thinking of following the lead of Idaho, Delaware and a few other states. Both chambers have bills that allow cyclists to treat a stop signs as yield signs, and red lights as stop signs. This 4 minute video explains why this is a good idea:


The bill is sitting in a Senate committee, apparently due to the concerns of Senator Mayer (who represents Bronxville, Scarsdale, White Plains, and Larchmont to Port Chester). Shoot an email over to these folks. The text doesn't need to be fancy. Just request they pass S2643.

Shelley Mayer <smayer@nysenate.gov>
Rachel Estroff <estroff@senatormayer.com>

"Andrea Stewart-Cousins" <scousins@nysenate.gov>
Martin Ascher <ascher@nysenate.gov>


The bills:




6/9: OutCycling Pride Ride

OutCycling is a cool group. One of the things they do is a youth cycling program where 16-25 year olds learn cycling and leadership skills, with graduates earning a free bike. This fundraising event has 30, 50, 65, and 100 mile rides.

While the official routes start and end at Riverbank State Park in Harlem, all of the routes go through Nyack.* So you can hook into the ride by creating your own route via their turn sheets and Ride with GPS maps.

Use the code BIKETARRYTOWN24 to save $24 on the registration fee, plus the organizers will send Bike Tarrytown a $24 donation.


* (Look at the Ride with GPS links. The map images on the routes page are old.)

6/18: Middle School Bike Bus

The following message was sent by the Tarrytown school district (edited for brevity)...

Bike to the Middle School together on June 18, joined by the Sleepy Hollow PD Bicycle & Motorcycle Units. Bike racks available in front of school, but bring your own lock and helmet. Approximate schedule:

* Hunter Avenue @ Bellwood Avenue 7:30AM
* Palmer Avenue @ Bellwood Avenue 7:35AM
* Pierson Avenue @ Bellwood Avenue 7:40AM
* Fire Dept. 28 Beekman Avenue 7:55AM
* Patriots Park (North Washington Street @ College Avenue) 8:00AM

6/23: Discover Hudson Valley Ride

Bike New York, NYC's top notch cycling education and advocacy group, is once again running their beautiful Hudson Valley ride. There are routes from 15 to 100 miles, all starting/ending at Poughkeepsie's Metro North train station. Metro North is great about letting bikes on board.

Support their fantastic work by signing up here: https://www.bike.nyc/events/discover-hudson-valley-ride/

biketarrytown.org | info@biketarrytown.org | T: @BikeTarrytown | F: @BikeTarrytn