June 19, 2018 Update

A great crew came to the Sleepy Hollow Board of Trustees' Work Session tonight to observe the presentation about the Route 9 Active Transportation study. 10 people in the audience of a Work Session may be a record! :)

The video of the meeting is available: https://vimeo.com/275943457#t=39m7s

Here are the "slides" I showed. It's a zip file of image files. Open the first one in your image viewer, then use the left and right arrow keys to navigate. https://biketarrytown.org/presentations/2018-06-19-sleepy-hollow-trustees.zip

The report is here: https://biketarrytown.org/broadway-for-everybody/route-9-sleepy-hollow-committee-recommendations.pdf

If you'd like to express your thoughts, here's who to write to. NOTE, the correct email address for Mayor Wray is here. (Sorry Ken!)

	Ken Wray <kwray@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Denise Scaglione <dscaglione@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Glenn Rosenbloom <grosenbloom@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	John Leavy <jleavy@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Rachelle Gebler <rgebler@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Sam Gonzalez <sgonzalez@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Sandra Spiro <sspiro@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Anthony Giaccio <agiaccio@sleepyhollowny.org>,
	Route 9 Steering Committee <info@route9active.org>

Neighborhood Meetings

We've been wanting to hold community meetings to deepen relationships, figure out how people want to be involved and what we should be focusing on. We'll be starting with one Sleepy Hollow Manor and another in Philipse Manor. Let us know if you want to attend. We'll keep everyone posted once dates and locations are confirmed.

Let's keep the momentum going!

biketarrytown.org | info@biketarrytown.org | B: @biketarrytown.bsky.social | F: @BikeTarrytn