The next meeting for Sleepy Hollow's Comprehensive Plan is tomorrow night. Thursday, 6/14, 7:15 pm, Senior Center, 55 Elm St.
At the prior meeting, loads of residents expressed support for improved walking and biking infrastructure. (See photo on the "thoughts" page linked to, below).
We wrote out our first set of thoughts on the topic:
The Route 9 Active Transportation study will be presenting recommendations to Sleepy Hollow's Board of Trustees on Tuesday, June 19, 7 pm, Village Hall, 28 Beekman Ave.
Join us to be in the studio audience for the best reality TV show in the Rivertowns! :) If you're a Sleepy Hollow resident and unable to make it, send the Trustees a short note of support:
Ken Wray <>, Denise Scaglione <>, Glenn Rosenbloom <>, John Leavy <>, Rachelle Gebler <>, Sam Gonzalez <>, Sandra Spiro <>, Anthony Giaccio <>, Route 9 Steering Committee <>
We'll be tabling at the Color Run this Saturday morning. A great event raising funds for the school's foundation. See you at Kingsland Point Park.
Scenic Hudson is working to engineer a RiverWalk connection under the Tappan Zee Bridge. It will link the existing Lyndhurst and Tarrytown segments of the trail, plus link to the TZB's cycling / walking path. View and comment on the alternatives.
Sunday, June 24 Stop in any time between 1 - 3 pm JCC on the Hudson 371 South Broadway, Tarrytown
Fliers promoting the Route 119 survey have been posted to the project's website. If you have some gumption, post them and/or hand some out in your community.
If you haven't taken the survey yet, take a few minutes to do that now.
The study received two bits of nice media coverage:
Regarding the second piece, if you have a moment, send a quick letter to the editor with your thoughts on the subject:
People who bike aren't a fixed number of constituents to be placated.
We are an untapped resource to be cultivated.
A small version of the collage is attached. The link to the full sized version:
We had a great time at the Tarrytown Street Fair. 23 new people for the mailing list, bringing us over the 100 mark. We now have around 50 paid members as well!
Best response of the day:
I thought the Broadway bike lane idea was crazy. Now that you explained it, I get it. It makes sense.
Tarrytown's outreach process found making Broadway for Everybody has tremendous support. The 5 most requested goals are:
Votes Goal ----- ---- 89 Station Area Zoning 77 * COMPLETE STREETS (STARTING WITH ROUTES 9 & 119) * 60 Shared Local Transit 57 * BIKE INFRASTRUCTURE * 57 Improve Access Across Railroad Tracks 53 * COMPREHENSIVE PARKING STUDY * 53 Village Revenue Strategies
Seriously. Donate. Now. We've been working full time for you over the past year. We just laid out $400 to fix our printer. All contributions go a long way. There's a gift certificate or two left for Sustaining Members. | | B: | F: @BikeTarrytn