November 20, 2020 Update

Collage of people saying they're too scared to bike on Broadway. People who bike aren't a fixed number of constituents to be placated. We are an untapped resource to be cultivated.

Sleepy Hollow Trustees Discussing Route 9 Resolution


Ask Sleepy Hollow's elected officials to write a positive resolution, because "working toward yes" builds a better future.

Send the Mayor and Trustees an email now.

The Details

Remember the Route 9 Active Transportation study? (On which the 5 Rivertown villages of Sleepy Hollow through Hastings-on-Hudson collaborated on ways to add sidewalks, protected bike lanes and better bus stops to Broadway.)

By the end of 2019, Tarrytown through Hastings passed resolutions supporting "Phase 2." (This phase involves garnering support from the State DOT and seeking grant opportunities.)

Sleepy Hollow is finally moving forward on Phase 2 resolution too! Many thanks to Trustee Rachelle Gebler for getting it on the Board's 11/3 work session agenda. They agreed to come up with wording.

The Mayor once again misrepresented what's in the Route 9 Plan. The plan actually does what the Mayor said he wants.

Our Director sent the Mayor and Trustees two emails addressing their comments and concerns:

Video of that bit of the meeting is here:

At this week's work session (11/17/20), Trustee Gebler mentioned liking that the Route 9 Plan makes Broadway's intersections safer and adds a sidewalk from Bellwood to the Hospital. The Mayor said he passed around some potential text for the resolution. Everyone agreed it should be voted on at the 11/24 meeting. (Video:


We're working on this stuff (nearly) 24/7. Your financial support helps keep this going. | | B: | F: @BikeTarrytn